xiaoxi cheng
by on May 22, 2024

Artificial abortion(人工流產), also known as induced abortion, is a medical procedure to terminate a pregnancy(終止懷孕). In Mainland China, the process of artificial abortion is highly regulated and typically performed in hospitals or clinics under the supervision of qualified medical professionals. This article provides a comprehensive guide to the entire process of artificial abortion surgery in Mainland China.

Pre-surgical Consultation and Examination

The first step in the artificial abortion process is a consultation with a medical professional. During this consultation, the doctor will assess the patient's medical history, current health status, and the reasons for seeking an abortion. They will also explain the risks and complications associated with the procedure.

Following the consultation, the patient will undergo a series of examinations to ensure they are medically fit for the surgery. These examinations may include blood tests, ultrasound scans, and a physical examination. The ultrasound scan is particularly important as it helps to determine the gestational age of the fetus and the position of the placenta.

Surgical Preparation

Once the patient has been cleared for surgery, they will be asked to fast for a certain period before the procedure. This is to reduce the risk of aspiration during the surgery. The patient will also be given instructions on how to prepare for the surgery, such as avoiding certain medications and wearing loose, comfortable clothing.

The Surgery

On the day of the surgery, the patient will be admitted to the hospital or clinic. They will be asked to change into a hospital gown and may be given a sedative to help them relax.

The surgery itself usually takes place under local anesthesia, although general anesthesia may be used in some cases. The doctor will dilate the cervix and use suction or curettage to remove the fetus and placenta from the uterus. The entire procedure typically takes less than an hour to complete.

Post-surgical Care and Recovery

After the surgery, the patient will be monitored closely for any complications. They may experience some bleeding, cramping, and discomfort, which are normal side effects of the procedure. The doctor will prescribe medication to help manage these symptoms and provide instructions on how to care for the surgical site.

It is important for the patient to rest and avoid strenuous activities during the recovery period. They should also attend follow-up appointments as scheduled to ensure proper healing and to address any concerns or issues that may arise.

In summary, artificial abortion surgery in Mainland China is a safe and regulated procedure performed under the supervision of qualified medical professionals. The entire process, from pre-surgical consultation to post-surgical recovery, is designed to ensure the safety and well-being of the patient.

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